Hello! My name is Feargal King and I am a life-long Catholic Liturgical Composer. Welcome to my NEW website, KingSongs.net, launched on June 17, 2020. In these troubled times we are in constant need of reminders that love, peace and hope are the only antidotes to the restlessness of the world, and of the human heart. Whatever you believe, I hope that you can find something here that will give you encouragement and ease your wandering spirit upon the journey.

Latest Video

‘Recreate Us, Lord’

In the early 1990s, just before I left Ireland for the United States, I heard a homily from a priest friend that made a great impact. It inspired this song. I have since been fascinated by the idea of ‘re-creation’, and this second video effort is dedicated to the process of renewal that is ongoing in my own life. It includes some footage from a place called ‘Half Moon Bay’ in California, at the edge of the continent, from where I began a long journey home.

Published Music

All my commercially published titles are now available from GIA Publications. Here is a list, with links to the publisher website where they can be purchased. All other titles are available through KingSongs.net